Mindset Follow up

In an earlier post I talked about mindset and how changing our mindset will effect our success. Today I want to follow up with my experience applying a growth mindset to my classes.

When I was a kid I usually excelled at my classes. Because I this I assumed I was just smart and that things would just always would come easy to me. When I started to take harder classes in high school this mentality bit me in the behind and I started to lose motivation to try hard, especially in my math classes. I assumed that I was in fact not a math person.

When I started to go to college I was faced with a decision that we have everyone comes at least once. What should I do with for work? Having been recently married and having a desire to provide for my family I knew that I didn't have time to really search around and waste time. Having always heard that the higher paid jobs use math I started math classes again with that attitude that I was going to work hard and actually learn. Believe or not that is was happened, and as I learned I started to enjoy math. This first decision led my to my current major, statistics, which I really enjoy.

This was my first experience with learning that we can develop skills that we want and that we aren't just stuck with what we were given at birth.


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